Better sleep linked with higher omega-3 levels in new study

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Omega-3 fatty acids are most commonly derived from fish oils, including tuna and salmon, and they have been linked to numerous health benefits. But now, a new study suggests that having higher levels of omega-3 DHA is associated with better sleep.

The researchers, from the University of Oxford in the UK, have published results of their study in the Journal of Sleep Research.

They conducted their research in 362 children from the UK between the ages of 7 and 9 years old, who were not recruited based on sleep problems.

According to the study, sleep problems in children are associated with poor health and behavioral and cognitive problems, the same health issues associated with deficiencies of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

As such, the team investigated whether taking 600 mg supplements of omega-3 DHA would improve sleep.

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