Examining our own fears

What is fear and why do we fear at all? Traditionally, we say that fear arises when the self is threatened with harm. This can be threat to the physical body or the psychological body, or both. What are the conditions that allow fear to arise? For fear to arise, two conditions are required. The … Read more

Suspected case of Covid-19

The guideline below is meant for doctors and HCW. Doctors need to have a high index of suspicion and be actively on the look out for possible Covid-19 patients, especially if you are in a red zone. You should be highly suspicious if your patient meets BOTH the clinical AND epidemiological criteria, AND in the … Read more

Understanding the Covid-19 tests

There are generally two types of tests being used currently to detect Covid-19 infections. The first type of test looks for the presence of the virus in the body. It is called rt-PCR test (real time polymerase chain reaction). It can be used in the early phase of the infection to detect whether the virus … Read more

Get to know your Covid-19 enemy

How you may be infected A typical Covid-19 infection begins with a close contact with an infected person as that contact exposes you to a possible infection. It is not certain that you will be infected. That depends on many factors, including the viral load, how well you are protected and how good is your … Read more

The Danger is real, but Fear is optional

I have said this before, and I will say it again here – In this pandemic, we are not just fighting against the Covid-19 virus. We also need to fight and manage our own fears. The danger is very real, but fear is optional. It is almost instinctual for human to fear the unknown. At … Read more

The original message that started the panic

The problem with this type of unverified and inaccurate messages is that it unnecessarily adds to the fear already existing and heightened in the community. The other problem is the repercussion of such a message. Imagine if another doctor who is facing the same situation sees this, and realises the damage it will do to … Read more