Facilitating Children with Emotional Literacy

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Many children today need help in emotional literacy. According to the National Health Morbidity Survey III (NHMS, 2006), about 20% of Malaysian children and adolescents have some form of psychological or behavioural problems that are preventing them from fulfilling their full potential.

Do you know a child who…

  • is not realising his/her full potential – academically or socially?
  • has nightmares or has disturbed sleep?
  • is at risk of being/is excluded from school?
  • has suffered trauma?
  • has suffered emotional, physical or sexual abuse?
  • is (or in the process of being) adopted or fostered?
  • suffers because of separated/divorced parents?
  • suffers from anxiety, stress or phobias?
  • has suffered a loss or bereavement of any kind?
  • is withdrawn or continually unhappy?
  • finds it difficult to make friends?
  • quarrels frequently with peers or siblings?
  • bullies others or is bullied?
  • displays inappropriate behaviour?
  • doesn’t play?
  • is ill or disabled?

Then you need to know how play and creative arts therapies can help.

Therapeutic Play – how does it work?

Therapeutic play (including play therapy) is a well established discipline based upon a number of psychological theories. Research, both qualitative and quantitative, shows that it is highly effective in many cases. Recent research by Play Therapy UK suggests that 71% of the children referred will show a positive change.

A safe, confidential and caring environment is created which allows the child to play with as few limits as possible but as many as necessary (for safety).

This allows healing to occur on many levels following our natural inner trend towards health. Play and creativity operate on impulses from outside our awareness – the unconscious. No medication is used.

During the sessions, the child is given strategies to cope with difficulties they face in life and which they themselves cannot change. It provides a more positive view of their future life.

A session may last from typically 30 to 45 minutes. A variety of techniques, including the “Play Therapy Toolkit”, are used according to the child’s wishes and the skills of the practitioner.

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