What we term as Emotional Transformation is simply the transformation of living a fear-based life to a love-motivated life. This requires us to examine our feelings and to make conscious decisions to drop and replace fear-based thinking and motivations with those that are free from fears.
The more we drop fear from our life, the happier we become. So, this is a very worthwhile goal to strive for.
These are some of the areas we will be working on:
Fear is a topic that is unpleasant to deal with. Many people would rather avoid facing their own fears than to talk about it. However, in order for us to overcome our fears, it is imperative that we learn as much as we can about fear.
Everyone of us has shadows and fears. They are the source of our pain and distress. Only by learning to clear our shadows and fears can we find space within us for love and peace.
Here are some articles on fear:
Here's a good explanation and definition of what a shadow is, given by the team from Shadow Work.
Shadow Work: A Brief Introduction is a small booklet that explains what the shadow is, and what shadow work entails, sharing with you the benefits of shadow work and the various methodologies used in shadow work.
How To Master Shadow Work according to Carl Jung is a video that gives a good explanation on the shadow and how to work with it.
What is shadow work? is another good video to learn about shadow work, how to recognize your shadows, and how to work with it.
We grieve when we experience or sense the loss of someone or something that we hold dear and precious. The grieving process is a form of letting go. Learning to let go – of even our most precious possessions – is a useful mental skill that can help us achieve peace and contentment.
Forgiving is another process of letting go. In this case, we learn to let go of the pain that we have been carrying within us, and to allow ourselves to find peace with life again.
Dr. Fred Luskin is an expert in the forgiveness process. Here are a couple of short videos on forgiveness by him:
These three terms - releasing, letting go and allowing - are almost always used synonymously even though there are some subtle differences.
Releasing is often used in conjunction with energy. There is a visualisation of negative energy being released. Letting go is dealing more with our attachments to our own thoughts, beliefs and concepts, realising the need to let go of our clinging to them. Allowing is more about accepting what is there. Another term that is used is surrendering.
Releasing, letting go and allowing are useful skills that lead to happiness and peace. As we have said earlier, grieving and forgiving are two examples of letting go.
Lester Levenson discovered and taught his Release Technique. His two students, Larry Crane and Hale Dwoskin, have developed very successful commercial courses using his technique.
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian technique of releasing or letting go of all our unwanted stuff.
Wanterfall is a wonderful book about emotion, written by Dr. Gordon Coates, a general practitioner and palliative care doctor in Australia. You can read it online or download a copy of his e-book for free here.